Our Curriculum


    Welcome to

    Our topic this term is...

    What do you see?

    This is an Art based topic where we will be looking at a range of artists. We will be looking at the artists and improving our mastery of art and design.


    What Can you See?

    In this Art based topic we will be looking at the lives and work of Henri Matisse, Wassily Kandinsky, Piet Mondrian, Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothco and Joan Mitchell. We will discuss their work in terms of shape, form, line and colours used and discuss our likes and dislikes of each piece. We will use a range of media such as drawing, painting, printing and creating cut outs.


    In DT this term we will be designing and building shelters outdoors. We will then evaluate our shelters and improve the designs and offer suggestions for improving others designs.  We will be using tools in the construction process


    We will be studying the lives of our chosen artists.


    In English we will be developing our reading and writing skills, building on our hard work from Spring Term.

    We will be exploring the following texts and genres:

    Poetry: An Emotional Menagerie and Haiku

    Story writing: The Artist who painted a blue horse


    Alongside these texts, we will also have the following class readers:

    Kid Normal, by Greg James and Chris Smith



    Guided Reading will take place daily, where we explore a range of text extracts from contemporary literature, classic literature, poetry and non-fiction texts. 

    Reading at home

    We expect children to be reading every day at home, even if it is just for 10 minutes! Children who have read 5 or more times will receive a tick on the reading chart and house points. These will be checked every Friday (where I will sign the planner).  Children can write in their planners themselves when they have read, in fact we encourage them to do so, but please ensure an adult has signed on Friday otherwise they will not receive their house-points! 

    The focus for reading in Year 3 is on comprehension, so to help your children understand what they are reading, ask them lots of questions.

    ´Why has the character done that? What do you think they are like? Why?
    ´What do you think will happen next? Why
    ´Why has the author used that word? What effect does it have? What other words could they have used?
    ´What has happened so far? Which was your favourite part? Least favourite part? Why?
    Please sign reading diaries to say when you have listened to your child read.


    We follow White Rose Maths in all classes. This term we will be learning:

    Mass and Capacity






    Children will sit a multiplication arithmetic test in Year 4 on their times tables from 1-12.

    By the end of year 3, children will need to know the 3, 4 and 8 (as well as 2, 5 and 10 times table learnt in Year 2)

    The only way achieve this is to practice! We will be doing times table practice in class daily, however, it will require practice at home too at least 3 times a week (even if this is asking your children questions in the car on the way to school!)


    Science will be taught as a discreet subject when the topic does not easily link with our focus for the term.


    • Where does light come from.
    • Which forms are natural and which are artificial.
    • Shadows
    • Reflected light



    In Year 3 you will be learning to play the Ukulele! You will each be given an instrument and will be able to take this home to practice each week. 

    These lessons will take place on a Tuesday therefore please could you ensure that they bring in their instrument on a Monday every week.


    PE will take place on Monday morning (OAA), and on Tuesday afternoon (athletics) this half term.


    PE kits should be bought into school at the start of each half term, and remain in school throughout. 

    Learning Outside the Classroom

    Forest school sessions will be on Friday afternoons, children are to come to school in their outdoor clothes on this day and bring their kit with them.

    -Please remember gloves, hat, long sleeved tops, trousers and waterproof clothing to ensure your children stay warm and comfortable.
    -Also, please make sure that your kit is labelled to help reduce the chance of losing any items.
    - long sleeved tops and trousers are needed regardless of the weather - if you wish to send these as a change of clothes or a layer that is fine in Summer term. 

    For more information, please visit our LOTC area on the website 

    Homework and Spellings


    We will have daily spelling sessions incorporating lots of different activities for children to learn Year 3 spelling patterns and work on including them into their writing.

    Alongside the spelling patterns, each Friday the children will have a list of around 10 spellings, taken from our new scheme: Spelling Shed

    I will send these out every week on a Friday via Google Classroom. They will then be tested on these spellings on a Friday.

    They can also access Spelling Shed online at www.play.edshed.com a parent guide on how to use this is here: https://s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/files.edshed.com/docs/Parent+Guide+for+Spelling+Shed.pdf

    If you would like to further support your child at home, please practice the Year 1/2 and 3/4 common exception words, which can be found in their planners.


    Homework project

    This term, our topic is 'What can you see?' and we would like you to produce a piece of artwork that uses mixed media. For example this could be a combination of paint and material or using watercolours and fine liner pen. Alternatively it could be more of a sculpture.  I'm prepared to be amazed as I know the children are very creative and imaginative.

    Due date: Friday 5th July

    If you have any questions about any of the above, please ask via Google Classroom.


    Interest Boards

    In KS2 Children have the opportunity to create an 'interest board' and present this to their classmates. 

    Below you will find a list of dates, with your child's name next to it. This is the date they will be presenting their interest to their peers, and will always be on a Thursday. Please can they bring their 'board' in on the Wednesday before their date to ensure it's in school for them to present.  

    An 'interest board' is a short presentation to share information about what it is that they are interested in. This can be presented in a range of formats, the choice is yours (e.g. a powerpoint sent in via email, a poster, a display board, a quiz, photo board etc). The children may also want to bring in pictures or objects to support their presentation to show the rest of the class.

    After sharing it with the class, their creation will be on display for the week for the class to see and they will be able to answer any questions their classmates have about their interests. It's their time to share something they really enjoy!

    Please visit our twitter page to see some of the previous Y3 and Y4 interest boards for inspiration!

    Please see a complete topic plan below, which details all subjects being taught in Year 3 during Spring Term. 

    Contact Us

    Fairfield First School, Stourbridge Road, Fairfield, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, B61 9L

    01527 873081
