Our Curriculum



    Welcome to Holly class

     Year 2

    Image result for holly sketch

                   Summer term 2024              

    Our topic for this half term will be 'London: What makes our capital city so special?'. We will be exploring the history of London, thinking about how London compares to Fairfield, and embedding some of this learning through our reading of 'Daisy and the trouble with London'. 


    We will be writing for different purposes this half term, focusing firstly on 'Meerkat Mail' and writing our own postcard and diary entry from the perspective of Sunny, the meerkat on an adventure. We will then move on to reading and writing about 'Man on the Moon' and 'Lights on Cotton Rock'.

    Image result for man on the moon book     Image result for meerkat mail        Image result for lights on cotton rock


    This term will consist of fractions, time, statistics, and position and direction. There will also be time for consolidation across all topics at the end of the year. 

    Throughout the term, we will also be testing 2, 5 and 10 times tables. Please use TimesTables Rockstars (TTRS) to practise.



    The children should be reading their Accelerated Reader (AR) books as much as possible throughout the week. They can then complete the AR quiz for the book once they have finished reading and understanding it. The children should be aiming to gain as many points as they can, and move up our AR board. 

    It is really important that we continue to improve our comprehension skills. In order to help with your children's reading please also ask them some comprehension questions to ensure they understand what they have read and start to think deeper about the text. Examples of questions you could ask are:

    • What is your favourite word/phrase and why?
    • What other word could you use that has the same meaning? 
    • Predict what you think might happen next.
    • Predict how the story might end.
    • How do you think the character is feeling and why?
    • What do you think the character is thinking and why?


    As we are following a new Year 2 Little Wandle programme, you won't have any spellings sent home but you will still need to practice your Year 1 and 2 Common Exception Words and statutory spellings. 


    This half term we will be learning about 'Living things and their habitats'. The children will have the opportunity to enhance this learning with their 'Learning Outside the Classroom' opportunities. 

    Extra information:

    PE days are Monday and Friday.

    Learning Outside the Classroom is on a Tuesday.

    Contact Us

    Fairfield First School, Stourbridge Road, Fairfield, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, B61 9L

    01527 873081
