Welcome to
Willow Class
Year 4
Autumn Term
Mrs Hadley and Miss Taylor
Homework, Spellings and Times Tables
Children will receive a reading book from school, matched to their reading ability, which they should read every day. When they have read it sufficiently well to understand and comprehend what they have read, they will take the Accelerated Reader quiz in school, which will enable them to see their ongoing reading progress. Please also encourage them to read their own books, comics and magazines at home as well, to develop a love of reading and to experience a range of authors and genres.
A visit to a local library can be an amazing experience and enables children to be exposed to an extensive collection of books and resources. Find out more information and details about your local library at the link below.
These will be set weekly and practised in school, every day. As well as specific spelling patterns, the Year 3/4 words below will be learnt throughout the year.
We are now using Spelling Shed to support the children's learning; spelling lists and activities can be accessed by logging in. A parents' guide to using Spelling Shed is attached below.
Children have been learning their multiplication and division facts since the beginning of Year 2. Children should use their own personalised programme on the online platform Times Table Rock Stars every day to practise these, so that they know all of their facts up to 12 x 12 by the end of Year 4.
Homework Projects:
This half-term, our topic is all about why the hills are important to our local area. For our homework project, children can choose from the Homework Grid below. This project enables them to be creative in ways that they enjoy. This is a long-term project, to be handed in by Friday 6th December to be shared with the class, so please ensure the finished work reflects the time and effort expected of a Year 4 project. You can complete more than one project if you wish to.
These projects will be exhibited to parents at the Open Classroom Event on Wednesday 11th December.
If you have any questions about any of the above, please ask via Google Classroom.
Autumn Term 2 - Geography Topic
Why are the hills important to my local area?
This term, our topic will focus on the hills that surround us in Fairfield: Lickey Hills, Clent Hills, Waseley Hills and the Malvern Hills. We will investigate the human and physical aspects of the hills and complete a survey on the impact of the hills on the local population.
Lickey Hills Clent Hills Waseley Hills Malvern Hills
This term, in English, we will be studying newspaper reports, advertisements and non-chronological reports.
We will also focus on direct and reported speech, persuasive language and sentence structure, as well as continuing to evaluate and edit our writing. We will also practise our reading comprehension through classic literature, poetry and non-fiction texts and practise our knowledge of vocabulary, grammar and punctuation.
These are some of the books we will visit this half-term...
This half-term we will investigate
- Addition and Subtraction
- Measurement: Area
- Multiplication and Division
Have a look on the WRM Website (click on the logo below) for resources to support your child with these topics.
Continue to practise your maths facts - there is a great leaflet below giving you fantastic advice on how to make learning maths fun at home.
Time Tables
Multiplication tables Check
Your child will be participating in the multiplication tables check in June, next year. The purpose of the check is to determine whether your child can fluently recall their timetables up to 12, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will also help us identify if your child needs additional support.
What is the Multiplication tables check? It is an on-screen check consisting of 25 times table questions. Your child will be able to answer 3 practice questions before taking the actual check. They will then have 6 seconds to answer each question. On average, the check should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete.
What if my child cannot access the check? There are several access arrangements available for the check; these can be used to support pupils with specific needs. Your child’s teacher will ensure that the access arrangements are appropriate for your child before they take the check in June. The check has been designed so that it is inclusive and accessible to as many children as possible, including those with special educational needs or disability (SEND) or English as an additional language (EAL). However, there may be some circumstances in which it will not be appropriate for a pupil to take the check, even when using suitable access arrangements. If you have any concerns about your child accessing the check, you should discuss this with your child’s teacher.
Do I need to do anything to prepare my child for the check? No, you do not need to do anything additional to prepare your child for the check. As part of usual practice, we will ask you to practise times table with your child. We will have unlimited access to a 'try it out area' from March. We can use this to make sure pupils have the necessary support required to access the check. This includes opportunities for pupils to familiarise themselves with the check application and try out any access arrangements that may be required.
How will the results be used? We will have access to all our pupils’ results, allowing those pupils who need additional support to be identified.
Will I receive feedback on my child’s check? Yes. Your child’s teacher will share your child’s score with you with the annual school report, as they would with all national curriculum assessments. There is no pass mark for the check.
Taken from: Information for parents: 2022 multiplication tables check (see below)
In science, we will work scientifically to investigate and learn about:
Living things and their habitats
Throughout this half-term, we will learn about food chains and the importance of producers, consumers, predators and prey in different habitats.
This term in PE we will be taking part in:
- Dance
- Tag Rugby
We will usually do PE on a Thursday afternoon, but please ensure your indoor and outdoor PE kit is in school at all times, just in case this has to change.
In LOTC we will be doing:
LOTC is on Mondays - please ensure you are wearing and have suitable clothing (arms and legs to be covered at all times) for the activities and weather conditions. A hat and sun cream in hot weather is needed and a warm hat, scarf and gloves for cold weather. It is always a good idea to bring a spare set of clothes to change into after your outdoor session - just in case!